Today there were 4 people in our class and they were working in PWC there names were Josh Nick Mark and Darryl.Mark is the boss of the PWC and Josh is a little bit new to PWC he said he started there six months ago.Darryl is the manager, Nick was just taking photos.We played an activity and the activity we were playing were a money game so Josh grabbed three hula hoops and three is bean bags Darryl split us into to six groups.Group one group name was people group two name was the Three Musketeer the third group name was pna. Group four name was snd. Group five that was my team and my team name was team five squad group six name was mlj. You may think that Team four six and three name was just random letters but they were not random they were the people first names.Group one two and three were together group four five six we together so when josh set up the game and told us the rules she said who want to go first I put my hand up and he picked me.I was confident I threw three of the bean bags in the hula hoops but in the three hula hoops but there were numbers. The first one in front of me was the number five the other one above the five was ten and the last hula hoop was on top of the ten the number was twenty. we get to throw the bean bags in the number of money we want but if we miss the hula hoop we will get only two dollars. I got all the three bean bags in the ten Josh gave me ten dollars the next person was Syntyche then the next prison then the next person. the next game Darryl said if sea shell was money in the olden days and everyone stand up Darryl said how about rice everyone stand up he said we were correct. our third game a writing game so Darryl gave out a sheet of something and we have to grab a marker and fill out the sheet. Khin lin Rolex and me filled out the sheet the other groups filled out the sheet too.the fourth game we played was an act Mokoia and I acted.Our acted was about me borrowing a blue pencil from Mokoia and taking it home and the next day she asks for it and I said I didn't borrow anything from her and the audience witch is the class room was guessing who was the borrower and who was the giver. Vake and Moe also did a act but there was giving it back it a little bit the same as our one but Moe took it with her to home and brag it back to Vake. our last game was to write a act and say it in front of your class in groups. Everyone has three in each groups but Khin lin and I was the only one saying two acts.After when everyone finished saying there acted Darryl gave out the PWC certificates and everyone got one we also got some stickers so some of us put stickers on our face and body.